Sociedad Chilena de Astronomía

Star Formation From Cores to Clusters

Santiago, Chile, March 6 – 9, 2017

Official link:

Scientific Rationale

We aim to bring together astronomers who are pursuing a variety of strategies to contribute in answering the question: “What constitutes a prototypical low-mass star forming region from core to cluster scales?” This question refers specifically to the formation of low-mass stars, but it also can incorporate, for example, higher-mass stars that form in environments shared with low-mass stars, parallels between low- and high-mass star formation, starless cores, brown dwarfs, planetary formation simultaneous with low-mass star formation, and related topics. We suggest that all contributions present observations (from any wavelength) and/or numerical simulation to provide a perspective that is crucial for a comprehensive understanding of low-mass star forming regions.

The timing of this meeting is designed to facilitate proposals for observations with ALMA and ESO facilities in 2017, also incorporating synergies among observers and theorists for such proposals.  We plan a workshop-environment that will include

  1. invited and contributed talks pertaining to five topical sessions;
  2. dedicated discussion time to synthesize information presented during each session;
  3. poster session;
  4. registration limited to approximately 70-80 participants to foster intimate dialogue;
  5. social activity to experience Chilean culture.

Sessions: (two invited speakers will present observations and theory, respectively, for each topic)

  1. Molecular clouds and star forming regions (formation, evolution, chemistry, structure)
  2. Pre- and protostellar cores
  3. Outflows, envelopes, first conditions of disk formation
  4. Earliest stages of the sub-stellar regime
  5. Multiplicity at early stages of star formation, small clusters

Registration & Abstracts

Registration fee: EUR 250 / EUR 150 for students
Deadline for payment: January 20, 2017

The registration fee is payable through the ESO shop via credit card. It covers the welcome reception, daily lunches, the workshop dinner and all tea/coffee breaks.

Abstract submission is open until December 1st, 2016

Important Deadlines

Submission of abstracts: December 1st, 2016

Notification of talk selection: January 15, 2017

Registration: January 20, 2017;  earlier if the 100 conference slots are filled before

Hotel Director booking: February 5, 2017

Payment of registration fee: February 8, 2017


ESO has  a special  arrangement with Hotel  Director, in Vitacura, Santiago. Located only  a  few blocks (walking distance) away from ESO, Hotel Director  will  have  a special  rate for  the participants  at our conference.

For information about the booking code and room rates, please check URL

The hotel only accepts payment in USD and CLP. Those persons who pay in Chilean pesos will be charged the price of the room plus the 19% VAT. You are exempt of this charge if you pay with US dollars, travellers’ cheque, or credit card (US$). This means that passengers paying in US$ can request exportation invoice (factura de exportacion). In this way, they do not pay the VAT (IVA).

Daily rates include breakfast.

Address: Av. Vitacura 3600, Vitacura, Santiago
Tel: +56-2-23891900
Web page:

Conference email:

Organizers: ESO, ALMA