Santiago, Chile, November 14-15, 2016
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
Models and simulations provide a nexus between theory and observations, and over the last years significant efforts have emerged in the Chilean community to develop new computational approaches, sophisticated simulations as well as refined theoretical calculations. To stimulate and extend the existing developments and to allow new collaborations between the different groups in Chile, a first very successful “Workshop on Numerical Models and Simulations” was held in May 2015 at Universidad Andrés Bello and organized by Patricia Tissera.
We plan to follow up on this effort with a new 2-day workshop hosted by Andreas Reisenegger on the Campus San Joaquín at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile. The workshop will include significant opportunities for researchers and students to present research projects on theory or numerical investigations, as well as ample time for discussions to stimulate new collaborations between the groups and to share computational methods and approaches.
Interested participants may already register via e-mail (dschleicher “at” and include potential abstracts for their contributions. The formal deadline for the submission of abstracts will be August 15, and the program will be announced in September. The workshop will be free of charge, to allow for the participation of students at low costs.
A. Escala
A. Meza
N. Padilla
A. Reisenegger
D. Schleicher
P. Tissera