Sociedad Chilena de Astronomía

Other Activities

On this page you may find social activities, hands on workshops, special sessions, etc that will take place during the Second Binational Meeting.

– Light Pollution Practical Workshop (sign up required on site)
– Chilean ALMA TAC session
– Conference Dinner (separate fee required)
– Astronomical Tours (separate fee required)
– Payment instructions
– Registered participants for Dinner and Astronomical Tour

Practical Workshop

When: Tuesday, October 9, 20:30.
Where to meet: Hotel Entrance, Avenida del Mar #1000, La Serena
Deadline to sign up: Tuesday, October 9 at noon at the registration desk.
Cost: none.

In this activity we will gather outside the conference venue for a tour around the nearby streets. With the help of Pedro Sanhueza (Director of the Oficina para la Protección de la Calidad del Cielo del Norte de Chile, OPCC), Pablo Itxaina (Director of the Laboratorio Acústica y Luminotecnia de Buenos Aires, LAL), and Guillermo Blanc (Staff Astronomer at Las Campanas Observatory), we will perform quantitative measurements of the levels of illumination in the surrounding streets, will identify examples of good and bad illumination, and will hold informal discussions about light pollution and how to control it. Registration for this activity will be open at the registration desk during Monday and Tuesday.

Chilean ALMA TAC and Observing Statistics + Discussion of Past, Present, and Future

Moderator: Franz Bauer

When: Thursday, October 11, 17:35.
Where: Elqui 1 room.
Cost: none.

The Chilean community has been participating in the international TAC process of ALMA since its inception (cycle 0-6). At the moment, Chanco and the UChile/Conicyt-Astronomy directors are currently considering whether to renew this scheme for some additional years or form a Chilean TAC. There are some clear benefits and some clear problems with the current scheme. In particular, I will present an analysis of how the Chilean proposals (and Chilean observations) have fared to date, compared to other partners, and what biases exist (there are at least a few that we know of so far). I will end with a discussion what options we have moving forward and look for community input



When: Wednesday, October 10, 20:00.
Where: Restaurant Huentelauquén, Av. del Mar #4400, La Serena.
Cost: $15.000 CLP per person
Deadline to reserve a seat: Friday September 28, 2018

We are taking the conference dinner to a more informal setting at Huentelauquen Restaurant, which is located on the boardwalk #4400 Avenida del Mar, La Serena. The dinner will take place on October 10 and the restaurant will be open starting at 20:00.

You will be able to bring as many companions as you like, the fee per person is the same as for registered participants: $15.000 CLP*. The fee will cover empanadas, pizzas, and seafood finger food along with some drinks. There is even a play area that kids will really enjoy.

Check the location of Huentelauquen Restaurant here:

To sign up for the conference dinner or the observatory visit, please fill out this google form. 

For questions regarding the conference dinner, contact us at


When: Wednesday, October 10, 12:00.
Where: Buses leave from the conference Hotel promptly at 12:00.
Cost: $15.000 CLP per person
Deadline to reserve a seat: Friday September 28, 2018

The visits will take place on Wednesday, October 10 starting at noon and returning to the Conference venue close to 17:30. It will take place in the observatories La Silla, Las Campanas, Cerro Tololo and Gemini-Pachón.

Because of the tight schedule, you will have to purchase lunch before you board the bus so that buses leave promptly at 12:00.

You will be able to bring as many companions as you like, the fee for person is the same as for the registered participants: $15.000 CLP*. This covers your transportation to and from the observatory.

To sign up for the conference dinner or the observatory visit, please fill out this google form. 

You can find more information about the observatories in the next link:

For questions regarding the conference dinner, contact us at

How to pay

*Fees must be paid in CLP and directly to SOCHIAS’ bank account.

Titular: Sociedad Chilena de Astronomía
Banco: Santander
RUT: 65.064.060-8
Cuenta Corriente: 3-32408-7
Email: (use this email only to send the payment proof. For questions regarding the meeting, contact us at

If you are abroad and unable to make an international deposit, you will be able to pay at the registration desk until Monday, October 8 at noon. If you choose this option, please contact us to reserve your seat.



Astronomical Tour Dinner
Last Name First Name  Last Name First Name 
Aedo Daniela Abril Javier
Agurto Gangas Carolina Agurto Gangas Carolina
Alarcon Alex Alberici Adam Aldana
Alberici Adam Aldana Alonso García Javier
Alonso Sol Aravena Gonzalo
Alterleib Diego Aravena Gonzalez Samanta
Antonio Damián Alejo Araya Ignacio
Aravena Gonzalo Assef Roberto
Aravena Catalina Astudillo Nicola
Araya Ignacio Barraza Maria Eugenia Barraza
Bandyopadhyay Bidisha Barria Daniela
Bartolomeo Koninckx Leandro Barrientos Daniela
Bignone Lucas Bignone Lucas
Blana Matias Blana Matias
Blaña Claudio Blaña Heidi
Carulli Agustín Blaña Claudio
Castillo Francisco Carulli Agustín
Chacón Arlette Caso Juan Pablo
Combi Luciano Chacón Arlette
Cremades Hebe Combi Luciano
Damia Rincón Camila Cora Sofía Alejandra
de los Rios Martin Cortes Zuleta Pia
De Vito María Alejandra Damia Rincón Camila
Dias Bruno Dias Bruno
Diaz Ana Diaz Ana
Diaz Yaherlyn Diaz Gonzalo
Díaz Vanesa Díaz Vanesa
Eguren Brown Jordi Duran María Fernanda
Ennis Ana Eguren Brown Jordi
Escobar Gastón Ennis Ana
Escudero Carlos Escobar Gastón
Fellhauer Michael Escudero Carlos
Filócomo Agostina Espinoza Cristobal
Flores Mario Fellhauer Michael
Font Elena Alba Fernández Antonia
FUENTES YANINA Filócomo Agostina
Gallardo Cáceres María Cristina Firpo Verónica
Gargiulo Ignacio Flores Mario
Gerlach Annette Fontecilla Camilo
Giovannini Javier Eduardo Gallardo Cáceres María Cristina
Giovannini Sofía Belén GARCIA PABLO
Girola Schneider Rafael Gargiulo Ignacio
Giuliani Bruno Gabriel Geisler Doug
Gonzalez Nelida M Gerlach Annette
Guilera Octavio Miguel Girola Schneider Rafael
Gutiérrez Eduardo Mario Giuliani Bruno Gabriel
Hull Charles Gomez Facundo
Hull Risa Gomez Monachesi Camila
Iannuzzi Matilde Gonzalez Roberto
Ibañez Bustos Romina González Valentino
Iglesias Francisco Gutiérrez Eduardo Mario
Lira Arturo Hull Charles
Lloveras Diego Hull Risa
Maffione Nicolás Ibar Eduardo
Mesa Valeria Johnston Evelyn
MILLI Julien Jones Matias
Miquelarena Hollger Paula Andrea Lacerna Ivan
Molina Natalia Lira Arturo
Morales Silvia Marchi Sebastian
Moyano Mauricio Maria Argudo
Moyano Mesa Guadalupe Mauro Francesco
Muñoz Dania Miller Bryan
Muñoz Arancibia Alejandra Molina Natalia
Neupane Sudeep Monachesi Antonela
Nieto Luis Agustin Monaco Lorenzo
Olave Camila Mora Marcelo
Onaka Keiichi Morales Silvia
Orquera Carlos Muñoz Dania
Padilla Nelson Muñoz Arancibia Alejandra
Palma Daniela Neupane Sudeep
Peña Greco O’Connell Julia
Peralta Juan Ignacio Olave Camila
Perez Noelia Rocío Olave-Rojas Daniela
Peri Cintia Olivares E. Felipe
Pineda Jonathan Padilla Nelson
Punjabi Venkat Paillas Enrique
Reinoso Bastián Palma Daniela
Riaz Rafeel Paneque Teresa
Rodriguez Cinthya Pantoja Blake
Román Aguilar Lili Michelle Peña Greco
Ronco María Paula Pineda Jonathan
Rosales Jaime Ramirez Reyes Ricardo
Rossignoli Natalia Riaz Rafeel
Ruiz Diaz Matias Rodriguez Cinthya
San Martín Sebastián Rojas-Ayala Bárbara
San Martín Rubén Rojo Patricio
Sánchez Bruno Román Aguilar Lili Michelle
Sangeetha Nandakumar Rosales Jaime
Scalia María Cecilia Rossignoli Natalia
Schleicher Dominik Rubio Monica
Sesto Leandro Ruiz Diaz Matias
Sevilla Diego San Martín Sebastián
Silva Karleyne San Martín Rubén
slater roy Schleicher Dominik
Suárez Alexandra Sesto Leandro
Supan Leonardo Sevilla Diego
Tissera Patricia slater roy
Turner James Soto-Pinto Pamela
urzi Karina Suazo Matías
Uzundag Murat Tejos Nicolas
Vásquez Andrea Tissera Patricia
Yornet Guillermo Fabian Uzundag Murat
Zamopni Joaquin Valdivia María
Zamora Catalina Vásquez Andrea
Vines Jose
Yornet Guillermo Fabian
Zamopni Joaquin
Zamora Catalina